
Certificates of Registration and Prescribed
Procedures Below the Dermis

Registered Respiratory Therapists (RRT)

(I.e., Members registered with General Certificates of Registration)
Members who hold a valid General Certificate of Registration are permitted to perform basic prescribed procedures below the dermis. In addition, Members who hold a valid General Certificate of Registration are permitted to perform advanced prescribed procedures below the dermis, subject to terms, conditions or limitations on their certificate of registration., and provided they have successfully completed an approved certification or recertification program for each specific procedure within the past two years.

Graduate Respiratory Therapists (GRT)

(I.e., Members registered with Graduate Certificates of Registration)
Graduate Respiratory Therapists are permitted to perform basic procedures below the dermis under supervision. Graduate Respiratory Therapists are not permitted to perform advanced prescribed procedures below the dermis even if they have successfully completed an approved certification program.

Practical Respiratory Therapists (PRT)

(I.e., Members registered with Limited Certificates of Registration)
Practical Respiratory Therapists are not permitted to perform advanced prescribed procedure below the dermis and may not perform basic prescribed procedures unless they have been individually authorized by the CRTO’s Registration Committee to perform the specific procedure, and they have successfully completed an approved certification or recertification program for the specific procedure within the past two years.

Table 1: Certification of Registration and Prescribed Procedures Below the Dermis

Basic Prescribed Procedures**
Advanced Prescribed Procedures

* GRTs require general supervision to perform any controlled act and are not permitted to delegate any controlled acts.
** PRTs are only able to perform basic procedures below the dermis if permitted to do so by the terms and conditions on their certificate of registration.

Please Note:

The Tracheostomy tube changes (for a stoma greater than 24 hours and less than 24 hours) are not listed under the Prescribed Procedures Regulation. However, tracheostomy tube changes are authorized as an exemption to RTs in the Controlled Acts Regulation (O. Reg. 107/96). For additional information, please see the Interpretation of Authorized Acts PPG.